Specialist Assessment (Disabled Student Allowance)

Staff at dast have long and extensive experience in conducting assessments to meet the requirements of the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC) and have supported over 200 students in this process.

What the process involves:
Collection of background evidence - questionnaire to be completed by the individual (and/or parents) - tutors - prior reports (specialist teachers/form 8 etc).
Assessment process - this takes up to 3.5 hours. All assessments used are drawn from the current ‘Suitable Tests for the Assessment of Specific Learning Difficulties in Higher Education (Revised September 2013)’  list.


The assessment will cover:
·  Single word reading (untimed)
·  Non word reading (timed)
·  Reading speed, comprehension and accuracy
·  Oral reading
·  Speed & quality of handwriting / typing
·  Spelling
·  Phonological processing
·  Visual Sequential processing
·  Attention Concentration Index
·  Underlying abilities
·  Indicators for Dyspraxia

You will be provided with a comprehensive report suitable for DSA purposes as well as Access Arrangements for examinations. Strengths and comparative weaknesses will be identified as well as personal advice and strategies to improve learning and performance. Relevant websites will be highlighted and suggestions for Assistive technology made when appropriate. Suggested strategies’ for staff working with you and recommendations to develop an effective ‘way of working’ will be provided.

A full feedback session will be offered.

The assessment can be conducted in your own home or on our premises.

Cost of Assessment: Up to £395

To book, Call : 07841 872366 or email us at dastdyslexia@yahoo.co.uk

Range of dyslexia testing

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Contact us

Duncan: 07841 872366
            01379 898028



dast dyslexia

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